Monday 13 November 2017


4G-November News

Home and School Connection

                    Thank you so much for reading your child’s agenda and signing to indicate that you are aware of the messages.  Please sign and return any tests that are sent home as soon as you can.  The agenda will continue to communicate information regarding school events (i.e. pizza days, assemblies, etc…), letters and forms from school (i.e. newsletters, community events, etc…), as well, the agenda will record any nightly homework assignments (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc…).  Homework that is assigned is often to reinforce and practise the skills taught within the school day.  Your child might be asked to complete the last step of an assignment started at school (i.e. colouring a work of art or doing a good copy of a writing assignment).  If I plan to use a task for assessment, most of the work will be completed within class time.  When tasks are completed at school, I will be able to provide specific feedback based on the success criteria that we have decided upon as a class. Thank you so much for your continued support ensuring that your child promptly completes and returns all homework assignments and forms from school.  All homework is due on the next school day after it has been recorded in the agenda, unless another date has been shared.

Just a reminder that we are a nut-free classroom. Please do not send with your child any nut-based products. This includes all products made with any type of tree nuts (i.e. peanut butter, Nutella, almonds, sesame seeds, etc..) Thank you for your commitment to our nut-free classroom as we have a child with a severe nut allergy.


Please have your child be at school to enter the building at 8:55 am.  Late arrivals disrupt our learning, as well, your child misses valuable instructional time. I appreciate your support ensuring your child is at school on time every day.


Curriculum Focus

Reading- reading strategies that support CASI reading assessment questions, Literature circles (end of November)

Writing- autobiographies, reports/explanation pieces

Oral- purposes for listening, identifying important ideas, making connections to oral texts

Math- completing whole numbers, 2-D and 3-D Geometry (please have your child bring a protractor to school to support their learning)

Science- Wrapping up Habitats and Communities- unit test in the next couple of weeks

Social Studies- Canada-Physical and Political Regions

Physical Education/Health- movement skills/active participation, volleyball- Substance Abuse

The Arts- Elements of Design


What’s New in 4G

                    During our literacy block we will be starting literature circles. Your child will be reading a text and will be reading with a group of their peers. They will be using the Fantastic Four strategies (predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing) to support their comprehension of the text that they are reading.  Your child will take turns in their literature circle group to practise the roles of the predictor, questioner, clarifier and summarizer.  The additional role of discussion director will be used to keep the discussions moving along and to provide positive feedback and direction.  Please check your child’s agenda to see if your child will be required to do some reading at home to prepare for their literature circle time.


                    On November 23rd we will be having our Math-a-Thon, which is our school fundraiser. The monies raised will support Northwood students in ways such as, lowering the cost of field trips and the purchasing of technology and learning tools for classrooms.  I encourage you to support this worthwhile fundraiser.  My hope is to have 4G raise the most money in the school.  We did for Terry Fox and we can do it again for the Math-a-Thon!

Important Dates

-         November 10- Remembrance Day Assembly @11:00 am

-         November 13- Picture retakes- Progress reports go home

-         November 14- 16- Book Fair

-         November 16- Parent-Teacher interviews (evening) 4-6:30 pm

-         November 17- P.D. Day- no school for students

-         November 23-Math-a-Thon

-         November 24- House league Assembly

-         November 30-Find Your True North Assembly- (4G is focusing on Collaboration)

*Pizza is sold every Tuesday for $2.00 per slice*

                    Please check Twitter regularly to keep up to date on the exciting learning happening in 4G! I will put monthly newsletters on the classroom blog, ( as well as other items that are too wordy for Twitter. Please have your child read and respond in Edmodo, which I am using for discussion of the text Wonder and it will be continued to be used throughout the school year for different areas of the curriculum.   Have your child continue to visit Mpower  to enhance their mathematical skills.  If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me @ 519-969-7610.  My extension number is 45016.

Your Partner in Education,

Mrs. S. Gall

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